Artificial Intelligence: the ‘co-pilot’ that enhances your safety.
Comfort, safety and convenience- The three main ways in which artificial intelligence enhances our driving experience and why it becomes a necessity for the automotive industry to address and tackle the issue of privacy and data.
Artificial intelligence can be explained simply as the simulation of human intelligence in computers and machines. AI is becoming more and more mainstream as days pass, it is influencing a large number of products and services that we daily use and the number is steadily increasing. One of such products is the passenger car. We know most of today’s complex vehicle technology is based on AI and it is generating a ton of data. In March 2020 Lease Plan released the Car Data and Privacy edition of its annual Mobility Monitor and it states that over half of the drivers are worried about the nature of data being collected and who collects it. It must be noted that a huge number of people are willing to share it as long as it benefits their driving experience and it remains anonymous.
And we know how car lease India works, whether you are planning to get a car lease as an individual or even when choosing fleet car leasing the apps that help you make the experience comfortable and convenient use some level of AI. That is an immensely helpful system and that is why you need a trusted leasing partner like ALD automotive to be at your side.
This blog aims to elaborate on the ways in which AI improves the driving experience and why the automotive industry faces the immediate need to settle the issue of data and privacy.
Identifying unsafe driving patterns.
The number of global road deaths is not facing much decline in recent years, it is remaining stagnant and it is a huge concern. So, the need to improve road safety is an international priority now. Driver error is the main reason for over 90% of all accidents and the contributing factors are an inadequate or inappropriate reaction to the violation of traffic laws or other hazards and poor anticipation. The new EU legislation is making certain advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) mandatory this year (2022) as an attempt to address these problems. Many of these systems include an AI component. This helps them monitor, analyses and recognize driving behaviors which are potentially unsafe. Dangerous situations like distractions, lane departure or drowsiness are monitored in real-time by the system and it alerts the driver of any potential dangers.
Beyond safety.
AI is not limited to safety, it goes beyond. Some AI-based features affect the overall driving experience positively. Look at the navigation system, it takes factors such as traffic and weather into consideration and finds the best conditions to offer the driver a hassle-less journey to reach the destination. The data it collects can also help fuel efficiency with intelligent speed assistance. It suggests the ideal conditions where you can break or accelerate to avoid any sort of unsafe situation.
Some of these high-tech in-vehicle features may seem like they are small improvements but they significantly affect the whole driving experience and comfort. AI technology can save personalized settings when it comes to seats and mirrors but it can also go even beyond by adjusting them into the correct positions when the relevant driver gets behind the wheel. AI-based smartphone apps come as a blessing on a hot summer afternoon or a cold winter morning because the driver can adjust the temperature inside the vehicle remotely before setting off with them.
The benefits of predictive maintenance.
Predictive and prescriptive maintenance is the third area in which AI makes a significant difference in passenger cars. Normally the standard diagnostic system signals out the problem after it has occurred. But with AI, you can gather accurate information about the physical condition of the vehicle. The gathered data is analyses and compared against historical data as the basis for detecting faults before they even happen and it prevents unforeseen maintenance needs. Predictive maintenance improves safety by making sure you are aware of the shortcomings and avoid potential dangers. It also saves the precious time and money you waste on diagnostics and vehicle downtime.
Getting smarter by the day.
Today, AI has taken the role of a ‘co-pilot’. It supports drivers by enhancing the whole driving experience by adding to safety, comfort and convenience. Some applications support predictive maintenance or fuel efficiency which reduces costs and improves convenience, while other applications focus on enhancing safety and comfort. Another fascinating thing about Ai is its capacity to improve, it figures out the points it can improve and grows smarter every single day.
Now the concerns regarding driver’s privacy are targeting the automotive industry altogether. It is important for the industry to guarantee data anonymity. If the manufacturers and other data users offer a guarantee they can acquire the regulators’ and drivers’ trust. It can help speed up the development of AI-based innovations which can be added to passenger cars in the future years.
These are the ways in which AI influences and improves drivers’ safety and comfort. AI has been used in many industries, now the automotive industry has improved the use of AIs and it is changing the way a passenger car used to work. Now with AIs assisting, a car is becoming something one cannot miss out on. But the major thing that is stopping one from using a personal vehicle is the financial burden it causes. But with car leasing, anyone can use a car without emptying their pockets. Companies like ALD Automotive move with the changing world, so pick the right leasing partner and enjoy a safe ride the cost-effective way.